An agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment & Commerce, the JBDC is Jamaica’s premier business development organisation working collaboratively with government, private sector, as well as, academic, research and international communities.



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14 Camp Road, Kingston

JBDC Mobile Business Clinic Heads to Second City


With nearly half of its client-base operating in the parish of St. James, the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) Mobile Business Clinic Initiative (MBCI) heads to the Wexford Hotel in Montego Bay on February 19 – 20, 2018. Chief Executive Officer of the JBDC, Valerie Veira says the MBCI is critical to economic development and job creation in the tourism capital.

“Jamaica is among the top five countries in the world when it comes to starting new ventures and this speaks volumes for the creativity and will which exists within our people. It is our duty to unearth and develop those talents to a point where people can see opportunities beyond the traditional scope of things; where our young people no longer look for a job, but instead create their own ventures and grow to a point where they can make an honest and meaningful contribution to Jamaica,” said Miss Veira.

According to the CEO, the parish of St. James accounts for approximately 40% of the JBDC’s clientele within the MSME (Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) sector owing to the agency’s thrust toward business formalization over the past few years. One of the benefits of formalization is growth and we recognize our role in that regard. Consequently, business growth is of paramount importance as entrepreneurs seek to move to the next level, maximizing their businesses’ potential and increasing profits.

“There are significant linkages within the tourism sector that entrepreneurs ought to be capitalizing on. The findings from the Tourism Demand Study points to several products of high value used in the tourism sector such as agricultural produce, alcoholic beverages, books, brochures, magazines, bed frames, head boards, chairs, pillows, sanitizers, standing lamps, toothpaste and towels,” she pointed out.

Phase two of the MBCI which began in May 2016 is being staged under theme Converting Capacity to Currency and targets existing businesses exposing owners to areas such as Market Research, Financial planning, Jamaican Business Law, Taxation, Lean Manufacturing and Digital Media Marketing, among other key determinants of business growth.

The Clinic will also provide one-on-one support from partners including the National Commercial Bank, Tax Administration Jamaica, the Development Bank of Jamaica and the Gleaner Company. The full team of JBDC Business Advisory Services officers will also be on hand to provide business advice, consultation and business monitoring support.

Registration is mandatory for participants through JBDC’s Montego Bay hub located at Shop 11, 4a Cottage Road, Impact Plaza or online at

The MBCI was implemented in 2014 as an islandwide project resulting in the decentralization of business development services, geared at reaching a wider cross-section of MSMEs in new and existing industries and sectors. The main objectives of the programme are to facilitate business formalization, market access and market entry, to increase awareness of business development services, provide training, capacity development and technical support, promote sound entrepreneurial practices through public education programmes. Twelve (12) Clinics were staged islandwide between October 2014 and July 2016, during which some 2400 MSMEs were impacted.


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