There is undoubtedly a unique sense of haste that comes with this latter part of the year, as many entrepreneurs scramble to import goods for their business, as well as […]
Imagine if your customer did not receive the product he ordered in time for Christmas. Or, what if it got damaged? No business owner wants to carry that burden of […]
Christmas can be the best or worst time of the year for some entrepreneurs, depending on how well they manage the movement of goods. Nobody wants to be caught with […]
It has been a ‘September to Remember’ as the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) zoned in on Distribution and Customer Management. Entrepreneur Weekly popped in on the Virtual Biz Zone […]
At the beginning of September, we started exploring customer loyalty and some overarching ideas entrepreneurs need to know about engaging meaningfully with the people they serve. These included learning customers, […]
For the month of September, the Entrepreneur Weekly is covering the topics of Distribution and Consumer Management. Our previous installment addressed consumer loyalty, and this week we are zooming in […]
This month the Entrepreneur Weekly will take a dive into Distribution and Consumer Management. These two subjects have a vast spectrum of subtopics that can be explored. However, we will […]
The fashion industry globally is a colourful and diverse industry with creatives and other business persons at the helm making decisions and creating trends that inform the masses. The industry […]
The world that digital transformation is providing for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) is a wide array of opportunities, with prospects at every corner. The global fashion industry is […]
The world that is being crafted and paved by new technologies affords many opportunities for various cultural and creative entrepreneurs to evolve in their craft and widen their reach. There […]