The Entrepreneur Weekly has been journeying through the island for the past few weeks as we highlight the heart of entrepreneurship beyond ‘town’. The industrious spirit of the island has always been […]
The Entrepreneur Weekly is taking you on a trip to the cool and lovely parishes of Manchester and St. Elizabeth. For many Jamaicans who have spent their lives in the hustle and […]
Entrepreneur Weekly has covered the vibrancy of the various industries that exist within the western end of the island, along with their interconnectivity that provides a myriad of entrepreneurial opportunities. We […]
The Entrepreneur Weekly wants to remind readers that the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) sector accounts for 80% of jobs in the Jamaican economy and MSMEs contributes significantly to GDP, employment […]
The island of Jamaica is filled with beautiful flora and fauna, buzzing with industrious Jamaicans hustling and making a living in various sectors across the island. The lively pulse of […]
A large part of our Jamaican culture is a trait passed down from our ancestors of industrious gainful employment. There are scores of local proverbs that chastise the lazy, the […]
In last week’s blog post we introduced the idea of merging new technologies with the Cultural and Creative industries. In a cursory way we looked at a few technologies that […]
Technology has always been the driving force for many changes and advancements across the world. The Cultural and Creative Industries now have the opportunity to leverage the use of technology […]
According to a report produced by the British Council and the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) titled Mapping Jamaica’s Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) there are a wide range of […]
One of Jamaica’s biggest claims to fame is the dynamism of our Cultural and Creative Industries. Entrepreneur Weekly continues to dive into this industry in Jamaica as it is a thriving and […]