KINGSTON, Jamaica – In the most recent virtual series of Jamaica Business Development Corporation’s (JBDC) Biz Zone on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, Ineka Brydson, Attorney-at-Law, told creatives and entrepreneurs, in general, to get serious about contracts and legal agreements. The session was entitled “Contracts: Think Before You Ink” exploring the world of contracts for the small business owner.
Ms. Brydson, owner of Ineka Brydson Law Firm is both an Attorney-at-Law and entrepreneur and was able to give relatable and professional information to participants. She told creatives, “You cannot be casual about your business, your work is your intellectual property. It is unfortunate that many creatives get serious after they have been exploited.” She encouraged entrepreneurs within the Cultural and Creative Industries to register with the necessary bodies to receive compensation and royalties for their work.
She pointed out, “I have to underscore the importance of ensuring your trademark is registered and to ensure your work is copyrighted. Yes, as entrepreneurs we love what we do but we are also doing this to make a living. For many creatives, the business aspect does not come as naturally, but these are skills that can be acquired along the way.”
Her presentation explored the importance of contracts, what to look for when entering into a contractual agreement and provided insight on Intellectual Property. Ms. Brydson encouraged entrepreneurs that doing contracts is a good practice for businesses as it helps with clarity, structure, accountability and guiding the business relationship.
She added, “A properly drafted contract is essential, parties must ensure that the terms of the agreement are legal and professionals can help you to ensure this is so. Contracts must have a clear subject matter, conditions of satisfaction must be well established, delays and variations must be considered.“ Ms. Brydson also noted that there must be clarity on the exchange of money, the procurement of resources and a detailing of the parties involved as well as their responsibilities. She concluded by encouraging participants to carefully review and enter contractual agreements. “Entrepreneurs, do not feel pressured to sign a contract without properly reviewing it. If you need assistance to do this, seek it out. Even as a professional, I seek out additional advice because it is necessary to work through each element as thoroughly as possible,” she said.
The JBDC Virtual Biz Zone webinars are geared toward stimulating entrepreneurs within the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (MSME) sector. These sessions are held on Tuesdays at 10:00am via Zoom. Interested persons are encouraged to join by registering at The sessions can also be watched on JBDC’s YouTube channel.
The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) was established in 2001 as the premier government agency providing business development services to Jamaican Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) ‘From Concept to Market’. JBDC provides guidance for business start-ups and expansion, offering business advice and consultation, research services, business monitoring, training and capacity building, project management services, financial advice, design and product development as well as market penetration support and access. The organisation which operates within the ambit of the Ministry of Industry, Investment & Commerce (MIIC), strives to continually fuel the local economy through its services and programmes designed to support the growth and development of the MSME sector.
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