An agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment & Commerce, the JBDC is Jamaica’s premier business development organisation working collaboratively with government, private sector, as well as, academic, research and international communities.



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14 Camp Road, Kingston

From the traditional Jamaican thatch broom to stylish earrings, Broomie International is redefining what it means to blend tradition with creativity. The brainchild Oshane Mamby, better known as Jahdon, the “Broom Ambassador” joins the Entrepreneur Weekly to tell the brand story.   

“What inspired Broomie is definitely the culture of the broom-makers,” he says. “I’m from a community in Clarendon that has been known for making brooms for over 50 years. And as a youth, I used to make brooms before music. I was always thinking about innovation, about how I could innovate this product.”

As he continued to grow his music career, Jahdon decided to use his platform to promote the culture of broom-making. “I created a platform, and now having this platform, I decided to use it to share with the broom,” he explained. “I want to elevate it into an industry. It’s all about innovation and making this tradition something fashionable.”

Jahdon’s innovation led to the creation of the Queen Sweep line, a line of broom-inspired products. “From the hand broom, I started to make key rings and magnets, and the smaller I made it, I realised I could make earrings,” he said. His wife’s suggestion to make the brooms even smaller to create earrings led to the brand’s innovative twist. “It’s about taking something simple and making it something special. And that’s what we did with the Broomie earrings.”

From right – Oshane Mamby, the ‘Broomie Ambassador’ poses with his wife a Francine Mamby at the Things Jamaican TM Outside Broadcast on the Edge 105 FM. Bellinda Hall (left) of De Silva Designs also had items on display.

Broomie and the ‘Deck Di Yaad with New Yaad Brands‘ Campaign

Broomie International is proud to be part of the Things Jamaican™ campaign, ‘Deck Di Yaad with New Yaad Brands’, which aims to highlight 30 new Jamaican brands during the holiday season. This campaign is designed to promote locally made products in the home & office décor, fashion, and food categories, three sectors that are integral to Jamaican culture, especially during the festive season.

Things Jamaican™ is the retail arm of the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC), which facilitates global market access for Jamaican artisans. Broomie’s unique line of handcrafted products is being positioned to reach a wider audience this Christmas. Through this initiative, the brand is able to showcase its creative and innovative products to both local and international consumers, while simultaneously supporting the broader mission of Brand Jamaica. By participating in ‘Deck Di Yaad’, Broomie is not only gaining exposure but also helping to establish Jamaica as a hub for high-quality, culturally relevant products that are fit for global markets.

The JBDC has played a crucial role in Broomie’s development. For over a year, Broomie has benefited from the guidance, support, and market access provided by the agency, which is dedicated to promoting authentic Jamaican products.

Oshane Mamby spoke highly of how JBDC and Things Jamaican™ have supported his business: “Things Jamaican™ has helped by giving me a platform. They have the funding, they have everything. Being a government entity, they have the right places to put the products – places like the airport and Devon House. And now, with their online store, they can ship products worldwide.”

The partnership with Things Jamaican™ has given Broomie access to premium retail locations, as well as the opportunity to reach global markets through its e-commerce platform at, “Getting my product that type of access is a joy,” says Mamby. “I’m so thankful to Things Jamaican™ for making this possible.”

Jamaican artisans put their heart and soul into creating each product to bring the vibrant spirit of Jamaica to you, wherever you are.   Their products are available at Things Jamaican™, with these special offers this Christmas:

  • Free Gift (with purchase over $5000)
  • Mystery Discount (10%) on select brands
  • Social Media give-aways
  • Flash Sales

Local artisans are also invited to visit to start the journey with JBDC ‘From Concept to Market’.


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